Hitachi C12FDH Review: What You Should Know Before You Buy

Hitachi C12FDHIn finding the best miter saw for getting perfect cutting results, there is no way around to look at the Hitachi models. Hitachi provides a set of compound miter saws in different sizes with different equipment. The most common are their 10-Inch and 12-Inch miter saws with single and double bevel. In this review we explore one of their strongest and best 12-Inch models, the Hitachi C12FDH.

Hitachi Power Tools with their US-based company Hitachi Koki USA, Ltd. are known for professional-grade tools. They have achieved many first places in the power tool industry. And they were also the first, who created a sliding compound miter saw, which combines the capacity of a radial arm saw and the convenience of a miter saw. Hitachi is one of the leaders in innovation and providing high quality.

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Reviewing the General Features of the Hitachi C12FDH

The Hitachi C12FDH is a 12-Inch Dual Bevel Compound Miter Saw with a Laser Marker as a special feature. It provides accurate miters and crosscuts in a variety of materials, like wood and plywood, furthermore decorative panels, soft fiberboard, hardboard, aluminum sashes and a lot more. The integrated Laser Marker System guarantees exact alignment, cutting accuracy and a predictable blade location.

At first, let’s have a look at the cutting dimensions for the common bevel- and miter positions:

  • Cross Cut (90 Degrees): 2-3/4 Inch x 8 Inches or 3-1/2 Inch x 7-1/2 Inches
  • 45 Degrees Miter: 2-3/4 Inches x 5-1/2 Inches
  • 45 Degrees Bevel: Left 1-31/32 Inches x 8 Inches, Right 1-7/32 Inches x 8 Inches
  • Miter Right/Left 45 & Bevel Left 45: 1-31/32 Inches x 8 Inches
  • Miter Right/Left 45 & Bevel Right 45: 1-7/32 Inches x 5-1/2 Inches
  • Miter Cut Range (Right & Left): 0°- 52°
  • Bevel Cut Range (Right & Left): 0°- 48°
  • Compound Cut Range: Miter (Right & Left) 0°- 45°, Bevel (Right & Left) 0°- 45°
  • Positive Miter Stops: 0°, 15°, 22.5°, 31.6°, 45°

Hitachi C12FDH

The above values are rather impressive and you will not find significantly better values even with saws which are much more expensive. You see that the Hitachi C12FDH has positive miter stops at the most common angles. Additionally, the bevel locking clamp has a large micro-bevel adjustment knob. The degrees gauge is easy to read. This makes it easy to fine adjust the bevel. The bevel allows your material to stay in place while you flip the saw head to make opposing cuts.

Which blade is the best to use ?

This miter saw is equipped with a 12 Inch TCT saw blade. It is a 32 tooth blade and it is suitable for rough and medium cuts. In my opinion, it is accurate for framing work. In the case you need very smooth and precise cuts (e.g. for high-quality finishing work), you should consider to change it with a finer tooth blade. I suggest using at least a 60 tooth carbide blade for finish work.

I tried this saw with a Forrest Chopmaster 12-Inch 80-tooth ATB Miter Saw Blade with 1-Inch Arbor and I got amazing results with smooth, unmarred faces on both sides. But no worry, there are also cheaper blades available. Hitachi itself offers a Hitachi 726101 90-Teeth Tungsten Carbide Tipped 12-Inch ATB 1-Inch Arbor Finish Saw Blade, which costs a third of the Forrest Chopmaster and where you also get perfect results.

Hitachi C12FDHThe Hitachi C12FDH has a tall, pivoting aluminum fence. It stands at a height of 5-1/8 Inches, which allows accurate vertical cutting of crown molding and cutting of large workpieces up to a height of 2-5/16 Inches and a depth of 5-21/32 Inches. This tall fence is a great feature of this saw, for example, it can be used to bed your crown molding for quick production cutting.

With 46.3 lbs the saw is not the most lightweight saw in its class, but also not extremely heavy. It is still easy to walk around the job with it.

What’s about the built-in Laser Marker System ?

Hitachi C12FDHOne of the highlights of this miter saw is undoubtedly its Laser Marker System. With this technology, you have the total control for your cuts. It guarantees an exact alignment and predictable blade placement. The Laser Marker can be adjusted very easy to suit any needs. For the adjustment, there is an Allen wrench included. Once it is adjusted, you don’t need to change anything else more unless you change the blade.

One thing you should know about the laser. It gets blocked when you start to cut. At first, I didn’t understand it, but once I used the saw I got it. When you have the piece lined up according to your needs and you are starting the cut, the laser gets blocked by the saw arm and you can’t see it any longer. You might think this is unacceptable. But the laser works so well, that once you have your workpiece lined up with your pencil mark, you just cut. You don’t need to see the laser because the cut will be perfect.

Which additional Benefits has the Hitachi C12FDH ?

The Hitachi C12FDH has many features to provide you a perfect cutting result. It has a powerful 15-amp motor with a no-load speed of up to 4,000 rpm for cutting smoothly and easily through the hardest materials. It has enough power to cut through literally anything. Some users say, that the motor is a bit loud, but due to my experiences this saw makes the same acceptable noise as any other 12-Inch compound miter saw.

For a precise and same time safe cutting process, a splinter guard behind the fence is installed. It decreases the tear-out for clean cuts and increases the safety. A comfortable horizontal handle with an elastomer grip reduces the vibration and prevents slippage.

The saw has a large base which provides support and balance and therefore it prevents material from warping while a built-in clamping system holds your workpiece in the accurate position. The carbon brushes for the motor are easy to access and change.

Additionally, the Hitachi C12FDH is equipped with a dust collection system. According to my experiences, it is more meant for working outside. For inside work, I recommend connecting a good vac with a tool accessory attachment.

That you get some ideas how to use this saw, I provide you a short video about a very similar Hitachi dual bevel compound miter saw. Here you see especially how to adjust the laser marker and how to use the bevel and miter for getting perfect cutting results.

Bottom Line – Should you buy the the Hitachi C12FDH ?

Each and every tool has pros and cons, something that is acceptable or satisfying for one can be disturbing for the other one. But overall this miter saw is a great and robust saw for an exceptional price. It is ideal for DIY’s and also to recommend for professionals, like carpenters, cabinet makers, etc. at least as a second saw.

In some small details, it might be a bit behind comparing it with the elite models of DeWalt and Makita. But those details do not really affect the work and the results. The Hitachi C12FDH does its job very well and based on the functions alone, it is more than worth the money. The stops are perfect, the cuts are accurate and the laser marker system is pretty decent as well.

To avoid any disappointment, I would strongly recommend you to take the time and set up the miter saw properly. Sometimes I hear complaints, that the saw doesn’t cut straight, the miter or the bevel is not in the correct position, the laser is misaligned. You should check the setup before, it is not guaranteed that the saw comes perfectly adjusted out of the box. That’s not a fault of the saw, each tool needs to be checked and properly adjusted before the first use.

The included equipment is satisfying and all that you need. Comparing it with other brands, you don’t need to invest additional money to make it an awesome tool. It contains everything right out of the box and you will not miss anything. I have this saw over 2 years now and use it frequently. I can’t complain about anything. It cuts like on the first day, there are no damages and the cuts are accurate and everything works still perfect. It is a well made, powerful and easy-to-use miter saw, you won’t go wrong with it.

Check out the best price for this saw here (you will be redirected to Amazon)

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